Healing Touch Of Reiki

helping clients to live more…stress less…and age well…in today’s modern world.  

Healing Touch of Reiki uses a holistic approach that promotes a sense of calm in a world of overwhelm. Stress happens, resulting in a wide range of dis-ease and managing your stress can help improve your overall health and well-being.  Taking time to relax, restore and replenish can minimize the effects of life's stresses on the mind and body. 

An Energy Practitioner is the solution to reducing the effects of stress.  Reiki provides restorative benefits and balances the flow of energy while Healing Touch utilizes the Chakra System with mind/body awareness as tools for change and transformation. 

A variety of classes, workshops and lectures are offered - Look under the “classes” page or the links below for dates/times of upcoming events in collaboration with: 

  • Dr. Tanvi Gandhi, https://www.drtanvigandhi.com/

    Acupuncturist and Naturopath in Stamford, for an evening of sound healing and guided meditation.

  • Dr. Katie Takayasu, https://www.drkatietakayasu.com/

    MD of Integrative Medicine located at the Tully Center, will give a lecture on the importance of adequate rest to help heal and recharge the body and benefits of meditation, ending with a guided meditation.

  • Christine Colonna, MS,PT: https://corebalancept.com/

    Owner of Core Balance Physical Therapy in Stamford, for an evening of gentle yoga and guided meditation. 

To learn about drumming, please visit:

  • Christine Stevens at https://ubdrumcircles.com/

  • Marla Leigh at https://framedrumacademy.marlaleigh.com/

"Shifting the body's energy for health and vitality" Donna Eden

Change begins with a conversation.....